The Promise Scotland
The Promise is responsible for driving the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review.
Who Cares? Scotland
A national voluntary organisation, working with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland.
Let’s Talk ASN
The National Advocacy Service for Additional Support Needs, funded by the Scottish Government for the parents of children with additional support needs who may require support in relation to a dispute or potential dispute with an authority and aims to resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible.
The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning.
Scottish Attachment in Action (SAIA)
Aims to make sure that everyone understands the fundamental importance of attachment relationships throughout life by: Providing training and consultancy in attachment and trauma to practitioners, parents and carers.
The Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS)
Aim is to improve children’s lives by supporting people and organisations to drive long-lasting change in the services they need, and the practices used by people responsible for their care.
Education Scotland
A Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for Scottish learners of all ages.
The Care Inspectorate Scotland
Regulates and inspects care services to make sure they meet the right standards and works with providers to help them improve their service and make sure everyone gets safe, high-quality care that meets their needs.
The Registrar of Independent Schools in Scotland
An official of the Scottish Government appointed by the Scottish Ministers who is responsible for agreeing to register all independent schools in Scotland in accordance with the Education (Scotland) Act 1980.
Scottish Social Services Council
Whose code sets out the behaviours and values expected of social service workers and their employers.