About Us
What We Do
We provide high quality care and/or education to children and young people whose support in their family home or school has not met their needs because of a range of challenges.
This website can help you as a social worker, educational psychologist, placement officer or parent or carer to clarify our range of services, their location/s and individual contact details. It will assist you in the important search for the ‘The Right Help at the Right time in the Right place’ for your child or young person.
Our care and education teams have chosen to work in this challenging sector and receive specialist training to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each young person. These skilled staff teams undertake careful initial assessment of each young person placed in their service in order to devise individualised care and education plans which in turn determine the most appropriate pathways of support that lead to positive outcomes.
All our schools take full account of the National Improvement Framework (NIF) and deliver teaching and learning in line with Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW). Our curriculum pathways are flexible of necessity to ensure we meet diverse needs. Careful quality assurance using How Good is Our School?4 (HGIOS?4) alongside adherence to GTCS Standards ensure high quality.
Our care homes are equally robust in ensuring quality and in their desire for excellence. They work in line with the 2019 Quality Framework for Care Homes for Children and Young People and School Care Accommodation that includes the Care and Health Standards and the Care Inspectorate Improvement Strategy. Using the PDSA (‘Plan, Do, Study, Act’) cycle, they agree what changes they can make that will lead to improvement.
Who We Are
How are Children and Young People placed in our services?
Referrals to our residential and care service and day education services are made through Local Authorities, but Local Authority representatives and/or parents and carers may visit the service prior to a placement being agreed.